A trip to Barcelona from Sharif on Vimeo.
I'm Sharif, a New Yorker, and this last September I went to Europe. In Barcelona I accidentally joined a huge demonstration. 1.5 million people took to the streets demanding independence of Catalonia from Spain. Then I realized that funny enough the city that most people relate to Spain doesn't want to be Spanish at all.
Someday We'll All Be Free from Sharif on Vimeo.
I rode my bike to my barber shop the other morning and shared with him a video sent to me by Roger. Then I delivered a second monologue about Catalan independence. I talk about the killing of some Catalan leaders. I am sorry about the delay, I am new at this.
Two Americans from Sharif on Vimeo.
A few days ago I got a tweet from Adina. She lives in New York and speaks Catalan. We met and talked about the oppression of the Catalan language . The more I learn about the Catalans the more their story resonates with the history of the African Americans in the USA.
A time for more nations from Sharif on Vimeo.
The other day I went to babysit and read to the beautiful newborn child the article 'Time for more nations' by Casey B.Mulligan (economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/28/a-time-for-more-nations/). It appeared in the New York Times just after the victory of the separatist parties in Catalonia. For the first time in history the separatist hold a majority in the Catalan Parliament. One day they will be free from Spain.
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