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Ja podeu signar la carta de la CRIDA a Junker, Tusk, Tajani & Cia.

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Ahir, la Crida va impulsar una carta dirigida a Jean-Claude Junker, President de la Comissió Europea, Antonio Tajani, President del Parlament Europeu i Donald Tusk, President del Consell d’Europa, per denunciar la vulneració de drets i el cop d’Estat a la democràcia que ha representat la decisió́ de la JEC d’impedir a l’últim moment que el President Carles Puigdemont i els Consellers Clara Ponsatí i Toni Comín puguin participar com a candidats a les properes eleccions al Parlament Europeu des d’Espanya. 
La decisió de la JEC es basa en motius polítics i el seu únic objectiu és impedir que exerceixin plenament el dret fonamental de participar com a candidats a les eleccions al Parlament Europeu. 
Recordem que tant la Consellera Clara Ponsatí com el Conseller Lluís Puig participen o han participat en les eleccions municipals i generals, respectivament, sense que la JEC s’hi oposés. 
A més de protestar, demanem que des de les institucions europees s’exigeixi al Govern espanyol que corregeixi immediatament la decisió injustificada i antidemocràtica de la JEC i que prengui les mesures oportunes per revertir-la. 
La carta ja compta amb el suport de les principals entitats cíviques del país, l’ANC, Òmnium, AMI, AdicEnXarxa, Clam així com de personalitats socials, polítiques i culturals del Principat i d’arreu.
Amb el vostre suport reforçarem la força i l’impacte de la nostra veu de protesta a Brussel·les. No callarem ni pararem fins que el President i els Consellers puguin presentar-se a les eleccions europees i nosaltres, si volem, els puguem votar. 

Adhereix-te a la carta, signa-la aquí: i fes-ne difusió. 

Gràcies pel teu suport!
Crida Nacional per la República

Barcelona, 3rd May 2019
Mr. Jean-Claude Junker, President of the European Commission,
Mr. Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament
Mr. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council

We, the undersigned, are writing to you to draw your attention to the fact that the Spanish Central Electoral Commission has denied, without any comprehensible and sustainable legal grounds, the possibility for Mr. Carles Puigdemont, Mrs. Clara Ponsatí and Mr. Toni Comín to participate, as candidates, in the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament in Spain. In fact, even some of the Members of the Electoral Commission have expressed disagreement with the decision that was finally taken, as it is a bold violation of the law and of the fundamental rights laid down in the Spanish Constitution.
We are convinced that the action taken by the Spanish Central Electoral Commission against these three free European Citizens is based on political grounds and its only aim is to prevent them from fully exercising their fundamental right to participate, as candidates, in the elections to the European Parliament. In fact, in this context, we draw your attention to the fact that Mrs. Clara Ponsatí participates as a candidate, as well, in the forthcoming local elections and her candidacy has been accepted by the Spanish Electoral Commission without any problem. This circumstance stresses the fact that the decision taken in the case of the European elections hides an undeniable political motivation.
We are deeply shocked and worried by this new step taken by the Spanish State, through the Central Electoral Commission, to limit and arbitrarily restrict the rights and freedoms of Catalan politicians who legitimately and like any other free citizen of the European Union, want to develop their political prospect which is democratic, peaceful and represents thousands of Catalans.
We therefore address to you our strongest protest and ask you to request the Spanish Government to immediately correct the unjustifiable and undemocratic decision of the Central Electoral Commission and to take the appropriate and necessary measures to enable Mr. Carles Puigdemont, Mrs. Clara Ponsatí and Mr. Toni Comín to take part, in their indisputable condition as free European citizens, as candidates, in the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament.
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