"Atesa la greu situació en què es troba el Sr. Jaume Bonet advoco per una mediació internacional"
Atesa la greu situació en què es troba el Sr. Jaume Bonet (20 quilos de pes perduts; fatiga extrema), advoco per una mediació internacional. En aquest sentit, adjunto carta enviada a la Directora General de la UNESCO sol·licitant la seva intervenció urgent. Si algú pogués estar interessat en enviar-la també, adjunto link on pot trobar-la en la seva versió en anglès.
Benvolguda senyora Irina Bokova,
L'1 de març passat el senyor Jaume Bonet Moll va començar una vaga de fam a Palma, en protesta contra les mesures anunciades pel Govern de les Illes Balears (Espanya), que restringeixen en greu manera el compliment efectiu dels instruments internacionals adoptats pel Govern d'Espanya, per exemple, com la Carta Europea de Llengües Regionals o Minoritàries, en relació a la llengua catalana, que ha estat la llengua d'aquestes illes, des de la seva conquesta pel rei Jaume I.
Aquestes mesures inclouen el canvi de la legislació vigent per tal de mantenir només un dels dos idiomes oficials (l’espanyol) com un requisit per als candidats autonòmics de l'administració pública. Saber català passa a ser un "mèrit".
El Sr. Bonet-Moll és un membre de la junta de Jubilats per Mallorca. La seva pàgina web és Després de 21 dies en vaga de fam, s’està debilitant greument i la seva salut és molt preocupant. Les hores de visita han estat restringides. Pot veure una entrevista gravada aquí.
Tenint en compte que la reacció des dels cercles governamentals ha estat, és de témer que la seva situació empitjorarà. La seva salut, doncs, estarà en greu perill a menys que algú actuï com intermediari.
Humilment, però vivament, demano a la seva organització que intervingui.
Ben cordialment,
(Carta enviada, en anglès, a:, per email)
Hunger Strike for Catalan in Mallorca
Dear Ms. Irina Bokova,
On March 1st Mr. Jaume Bonet Moll began a hunger strike in Palma (Mallorca) in protest against the measures announced by the Government of the Balearic Islands (Spain). The proposed changes to the law would greatly restrict the effective compliance of international agreements adopted by the Spanish Government, such as the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, together with regional laws. If passed, the new law will be a serious deterioration of the Catalan language, which is native to the Balearic Islands since the 13th century.
These measures include changing current legislation so as to retain only Spanish language as compulsory for regional civil service candidates, disregarding the importance of Catalan as a requirement to those who serve the Catalan-speaking population. Catalan would therefore be just an advantage, but not essential.
Mr. Bonet-Moll is protesting against these infringements of the legal framework. He is a retired school teacher, making his case even more reputable. At the time of writing, Mr. Bonet's hunger strike has lasted 22 days, and it is reported that his heart condition is giving rise to some concern.
Given that the reaction from the Government has not materialised, we fear that his plight might be falling on deaf ears, and that his health will be in great danger unless someone acts as an intermediary.
We humbly but earnestly ask your Organisation to intervene.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Ms. Irina Bokova,
On March 1st Mr. Jaume Bonet Moll began a hunger strike in Palma (Mallorca) in protest against the measures announced by the Government of the Balearic Islands (Spain). The proposed changes to the law would greatly restrict the effective compliance of international agreements adopted by the Spanish Government, such as the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, together with regional laws. If passed, the new law will be a serious deterioration of the Catalan language, which is native to the Balearic Islands since the 13th century.
These measures include changing current legislation so as to retain only Spanish language as compulsory for regional civil service candidates, disregarding the importance of Catalan as a requirement to those who serve the Catalan-speaking population. Catalan would therefore be just an advantage, but not essential.
Mr. Bonet-Moll is protesting against these infringements of the legal framework. He is a retired school teacher, making his case even more reputable. At the time of writing, Mr. Bonet's hunger strike has lasted 22 days, and it is reported that his heart condition is giving rise to some concern.
Given that the reaction from the Government has not materialised, we fear that his plight might be falling on deaf ears, and that his health will be in great danger unless someone acts as an intermediary.
We humbly but earnestly ask your Organisation to intervene.
Yours sincerely,

6 comentaris :
Propòs els canvis següents al text anglès.
Hunger Strike for Catalan in Mallorca
Dear Ms. Irina Bokova,
On March 1st Mr. Jaume Bonet Moll began a hunger strike in Palma (Mallorca) in protest against the measures announced by the Government of the Balearic Islands (Spain). The proposed changes to the law would greatly restrict the effective compliance of international agreements adopted by the Spanish Government, such as the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, together with regional laws. If passed, the new law will be a serious deterioration of the Catalan language, which is native to the Balearic Islands since the 13th century.
These measures include changing current legislation so as to retain only Spanish language as compulsory for regional civil service candidates, disregarding the importance of Catalan as a requirement to those who serve the Catalan-speaking population. Catalan would therefore be just an advantage, but not essential.
Mr. Bonet-Moll is protesting against these infringements of the legal framework. He is a retired school teacher, making his case even more reputable. At the time of writing, Mr. Bonet's hunger strike has lasted 22 days, and it is reported that his heart condition is giving rise to some concern.
Given that the reaction from the Government has not materialised, we fear that his plight might be falling on deaf ears, and that his health will be in great danger unless someone acts as an intermediary.
We humbly but earnestly ask your Organisation to intervene.
Yours sincerely,
References in English:
References in Catalan:
En qualsevol cas, enhorabona per la feina i pel blog.
Gràcies pels suggeriments, novia compromesa, però l'article és de'n Quim Torra. Jo només el reprodueixo. Espero que no sigui massa significatiu el canvi i que s'entengui. Jo no domino l'anglès en absolut.
En qualsevol cas, gràcies i també agraït que hagis mirat el meu bloc, al qual hi seràs sempre ben rebuda.
On hem de signar?
No veig clarament on ens podem afegir al llistat de gent que sol·licita aquesta intervenció de la senyora Bokova.
Guadalupe, has de clicar l'adreça de correu que hi ha destacada i se t'obrirà un correu amb l'adreça ja posada.
per si un cas te la copio.
Benvolgut Boladevidre,
Crec que els canvis que he proposat són significatius, tant en qualitat com en conceptualització de la problemàtica que patim. Estic contenta i orgullosa que hi hagi gent com en Quim que redacti textos que ens poden fer servei davant la UNESCO, però crec que guanyam molt més quan estan ben redactats i tenen un bon nivell d'anglès. Crec que, com a catalans, hem de donar sempre una imatge de seriositat i intel·ligència, i crec fermament que un escrit que està destinat a la UNESCO ha d'estar ben redactat en anglès, sobretot quan és un tema tan delicat com una vaga de fam per la nostra llengua.
Esper que doneu preferència al text amb els canvi proposats, pel bé de la nostra causa.
Enhorabona, de nou,
la novia compromesa
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